Sales Leadership Podcast
High-Growth Tactics for High-Growth Teams
We found 10 episodes of Sales Leadership Podcast with the tag “sales leadership”.
Episode 308: Alec Nethercott, Co-Founder at V3 Electric Inc. - Leadership Influence: A Blueprint for Elite Sales Leaders
March 12th, 2025 | 1 hr 1 min
alec nethercott, core 4 leadership, framework, rob jeppsen, sales, sales leadership
Alec Nethercott has been developing teams for 16 years with massive success. He’s built one of California’s largest residential solar companies and has recently been recognized as one of California’s top 40 under 40 business leaders. Alec has built teams by intentionally having influence that creates massive growth. He’s developed a framework that helps leaders know how to create difference-making influence with every member of their team. Alec turned these 4 principles into a best-selling leadership book, Core 4 Leadership. It has been a best-seller and a fantastic resource for leaders of teams of all sizes. Today, Alec joins the show to discuss this framework on how leaders can create influence intentionally without relying on a series of “happy accidents.” This is a conversation that will give you a simple but powerful framework you can use immediately to create life-changing impact with those you’ve been asked to lead.
Episode 307: Rob Jeppsen - A Leadership SKO for 2025
February 26th, 2025 | 1 hr 7 mins
rob jeppsen, sales, sales leadership, sko
As the new year starts teams worldwide are having kickoffs to get off to a fast start. After conducting 17 SKOs in the last 6 weeks, Rob shares some highlights of these events and 10 observations of Elite Leadership. This episode will give you some places to be reflective, be intentional, and change how you approach leadership. As you work to engineer the greatest year in your company’s history…here are 10 leadership observations to help you become an elite leader.
Episode 306: Anthony Iannarino, Author, Speaker, and Sales Leader: The Lost Art of Meaningful Sales Conversations
February 6th, 2025 | 1 hr 1 min
anthony iannarino, conversations, rob jeppsen, sales, sales leadership
Anthony is a legend in the sales world. He’s a globally-recognized author, speaker and sales leader who has helped redefine how wildly successful salespeople and sales leaders think about sales success. His bestselling books include The Only Sales Guide You’ll Ever Need, Eat their Lunch, and The Lost Art of Closing are each “Must Reads” for anyone serious about taking their sales skills or sales leadership approach to the next level. Anthony joins the show to share how leaders MUST help their teams transform how they engage their customers and transform the conversations they have. At a time where win rates are an all-time low, this is a conversation that can create immediate impact for every sales team. This is a must-listen conversation that will change how you think as a leader.
Episode 305: Sean Brophy, Head of Global Sales at Pigment - "All In" Leadership
January 23rd, 2025 | 1 hr 3 secs
leadership, rob jeppsen, sales, sales leadership, sean brophy
Sean Brophy is the Head of Global Sales at Pigment. Pigment is a business planning tool used by CROs and CFOs at some of the world’s largest companies. Under Sean’s leadership they doubled their customer base in 2023 and tripled Global ARR. Sean has a history of this kind of head-turning growth in his 20 year history as a sales leader. Today, Sean shares his framework of what it means to be All-In as a leader. This proven framework will help you have elite-level impact as you help engineer the greatest year in your team’s history. This is the perfect episode to take in as you start 2025 and work to engineer life-changing years for the people you lead.
Episode 304: Alli Rízacos, Imposter Syndrome Coach - Personal Branding for Sales Leaders, Part 2
January 8th, 2025 | 58 mins 32 secs
alli rizacos, imposter syndrome, personal coaching, rob jeppsen, sales, sales leadership
As promised…Alli Rizacos rejoins the show in part 2 of this important conversation. As part of your 2025 kickoff, Alli shares how you can use LinkedIn to accelerate your impact as a Sales Leader. Alli helps leaders worldwide create more impact with a blueprint you can implement almost immediately. These insights will help you fuel the way you create the greatest leadership year of your career as Alli shares insights utilized by the world’s top leaders.
Episode 303: Ian Koniak, Founder and CEO of Untap Your Sales Potential: Why Most Leaders Don’t Help their Reps Become Elite.
December 20th, 2024 | 1 hr 8 mins
growth, ian koniak, rob jeppsen, sales, sales leadership
Ian Koniak is legendary in the B2B SaaS Sales world. Ian earned the distinction as the #1 Enterprise AE at Salesforce. He’s had a ridiculously successful career having consistent, predictable success as a salesperson, a sales manager, a sales director, and Sr. Sales Executive in every market condition. And Ian has done this by developing systems that fuel success. Today, Ian’s mission is to share his tools and knowledge with salespeople and sales leaders and give them the tools they just don’t get from their own companies. He joins us today and discusses why most leaders never help those they lead become elite…and a blueprint that will help every leader transform the impact they have in their leadership journey...without sacrificing in the other parts of their lives.
Episode 302: Alli Rizacos, Imposter Syndrome Coach: Personal Branding for Sales Leaders Part 1
December 4th, 2024 | 55 mins 6 secs
alli rizacos, imposter syndrome, rob jeppsen, sales, sales leadership
Alli Rizacos rejoins the show in an important conversation. Alli’s first episode on impostor syndrome was one of the most downloaded episodes the show had in 2022. Today Alli joins us in the first of 2 episodes around how Elite Leaders use LinkedIn to create more influence. In this episode she shares the importance of Niches and more important…understanding “Who You’re For.” This is an important episode that will help every single leader understand the importance of maximum clarity coupled with intentional action…and how to leverage this moving into the coming year.
Episode 301: Jacob Heugly, Executive Vice President and Managing Director of Fee Income at Zions Bancorporation: Creating an Environment where Team Members Thrive by Choosing Alignment over Assignment.
November 20th, 2024 | 57 mins 49 secs
alignment, growth, jake hugely, rob jeppsen, sales, sales leadership
Jake Heugly is the Executive Vice President and Managing Director of Fee Income for Zions Bancorporation. Jake leads a large team of executive leaders who are responsible for generating fee income for one of the largest financial institutions in North America. Jake and his team have had long-term success in every market condition and have won more than their share of industry awards along the way. And one of the keys to this remarkable success is the fact that his Sr. Leadership Team has stayed with him for nearly 2 decades in some cases. Today Jake shares a blueprint of how to build an environment where people on your team choose not to leave…and why alignment is the secret to having an environment where team members don’t just survive…they thrive.
Episode 300: Martin Roth, SaaS Founder and Sales Leader: Building a Success Culture by Creating “Moments that Matter.”
November 13th, 2024 | 55 mins 8 secs
growth, martin roth, predictable growth, rob jeppsen, sales, sales leadership, success culture
Martin Roth is one of the top Sales Leaders in SaaS right now. After successfully leading LevelSet to a $500MM acquisition as the CRO, he now helps sales organizations worldwide accelerate growth. He’s a must-follow on LinkedIn, a highly sought-after speaker, and is an active advisor to high growth companies. Today he joins us to share the impact of a Success Culture…and how a sales leader can build a Success Culture that changes trajectories of companies and people. Martin shares a blueprint that will help leaders do more than sell a little more predictably…this is a blueprint that will help leaders change lives.
Episode 299: Emily Johnson, Burnout Coach: Tune in to Your Senses to Prevent and Recover from Burnout.
November 6th, 2024 | 59 mins 52 secs
burnout, emily johnson, rob jeppsen, sales, sales leadership
Emily Johnson helps leaders in every industry worldwide Prevent and Recover from Burnout. Emily re-joins the show to talk about the prevalence of burnout in the sales world today…and the most recent studies may surprise you. In this episode Emily shares how a leader can help create an environment where people thrive rather than burn out. She shares a blueprint every leader will benefit from and shares insights every leader can implement immediately. This is a timely and important episode for every leader of every team that you’ll want to listen to multiple times.