Sales Leadership Podcast
High-Growth Tactics for High-Growth Teams
About the show
Each episode finds Rob Jeppsen and guest diving into the biggest question in business: How do you create predictable, repeatable, and scalable success? They discuss tactics and practices that the best sales leaders use to drive head-turning success. Rob lets you know what you can expect from each episode and gives you his promise: you'll leave each episode with new ideas to help you drive high growth with your team.
Sales Leadership Podcast on social media
Episode 258: Kim Ades - Cofounder and CEO of Frame of Mind Coaching: Belief is the Foundation of All Change
December 20th, 2023 | 58 mins 26 secs
belief, growth, intentional improvement, kim ades, mindset, rob jeppsen, sales, sales leadership
Kim Ades is the co-founder and CEO of Frame of Mind Coaching. For over 20 years she has been leading the charge in teaching leaders about coaching and mindset with remarkable success. Kim helps people change how they think…so they can change how they perform. She’s helped create record performances worldwide and joins us today to share how leaders can help those they lead intentionally “trade up” their beliefs that fuel performance.
Episode 257: Frank Dale, SVP of Product Management at Salesloft: What are we REALLY Capable of?
December 13th, 2023 | 1 hr 56 secs
ai, capacity, frank dale, grind, growth, intentional improvement, rob jeppsen, sales, sales leadership, salesloft
Frank Dale is the SVP of Product Management for SalesLoft, where he helps shape how SalesLoft fuels growth for best-in-class sales teams worldwide. Frank has been helping sales leaders succeed for a long time and is also the founder and CEO of Costello, which was ultimately acquired by SalesLoft. Frank joins us today in an important conversation around myths associated with AI and sales and ways we can use modern tools to help teams accomplish more than they may have ever dreamed was possible. This is an important episode for every leader as they help each member of their team choose growth…not just the grind.
Episode 256: Ali Cudby, Founder and CEO of Alignmint Growth Strategies: Creating Moments that Matter and Keeping Your Customers.
December 6th, 2023 | 52 mins 59 secs
ali cudby, alignment, alignmint growth strategies, growth, keep your customers, loyalty, retention, rob jeppsen, sales, sales leadership
Ali is the Founder and CEO of Alignmint Growth Strategies. For over 9 years her team has fuel growth with external and internal customers by aligning companies for growth.
Ali’s approach is about creating alignment to the Customer Experience. By aligning every part of an organization, she has helped all kinds of organizations achieve remarkable growth. The result isn’t just predictability in revenue. Ali helps teams get TRANSFORMATIONAL loyalty through an approach I am excited to discuss today.
Ali the author of the #1 best seller, Keep Your Customers. She works with organizations in every key industry across 6 continents. Her work has been featured in major media from the TV networks to American Express, Top Sales World, Yahoo and many others.
Episode 255: Chet Lovegren AKA The Sales Doctor - Fueling Performance…not just Participation
November 29th, 2023 | 1 hr 30 secs
chet lovegren, grind, growth, performance, rob jeppsen, sales, sales leadership, the sales doctor
Chet Lovegren is known by many as “The Sales Doctor.” He works with sales leaders and sales teams worldwide shaping a fresh, modern approach to every part of the sales ecosystem. His approach to engineering systems that fuel performance has made him a go-to resource for sales leaders, leading venture capital teams, and top organizations around the world. Today Chet joins the show to discuss how sales leaders everywhere can create intentional performance without turning to more of the grind.
Episode 254: Dr Yekemi Otaru, Co-founder and Chief Growth Officer at Doqaru: Creating an Environment that Fuels Massive Growth
November 21st, 2023 | 56 mins 59 secs
doqaru, dr yokemi otaru, environment, growth, rob jeppsen, sales, sales leadership, thanksgiving
Dr. Yekemi Otaru is the co-founder and Chief Growth Officer for Doqaru. Yekemi and her team help sales organizations create ecosystems that facilitate head-turning growth by using data to avoid unnecessary mistakes and to double down in areas of greatest impact. Yekemi is an award-winning business leader, an accomplished speaker, mentor to leaders worldwide and a published author. Today she joins us to share how the most impactful leaders create environments where motivated team members thrive…not just survive.
Episode 253: Monica Stewart, Founder and CEO of MSP Consulting: Changing Your Performance Starts by Changing Your Beliefs.
November 13th, 2023 | 56 mins 45 secs
belief, intentional improvement, mindset, monica stewart, rob jeppsen, sales, sales leadership, trajectory
Monica is the Founder and CEO of MSP Consulting. She’s helped sales teams worldwide as a VP Sales who led the companies to acquisitions, consulted with iconic revenue organizations create systems responsible for massive growth and today helps teams grow faster, more predictably, and more intentionally. Today she joins the show and shares the 2 things people fear most, why changing beliefs is the first step in changing trajectory, and tactics to help you shape your own beliefs and the beliefs of every member of your team.
Episode 252: Jason Santana, Chief Revenue Officer at Sworkz: Why Leaders Need to be OPEN to AI, and why AI = AUGMENTED Intelligence… not ARTIFICIAL.
November 1st, 2023 | 1 hr 25 secs
ai, jason santana, rob jeppsen, sales, sales leadership, sales technology
Jason Santana is an elite Data Scientist – turned Award Winning Sales leader – turned AI for Sales Expert. Jason is a long-time friend of the Sales Leadership Podcast with all the credentials. He’s led iconic, large teams like Paychex and today is preparing the launch of a game-changing AI for Sales technology. Jason consults with organizations worldwide in how to use modern tools (including AI) to create predictable changes that result in massive results. In this episode he shares how sales leaders can create a different kind of experience using AI…and how sales leaders can get started with this important advancement.
Episode 251: Jane Hanson, Founder and CEO of HHH Productions: What’s the Point? Creating Elite Leadership Communication Skills
October 25th, 2023 | 59 mins 26 secs
communication, communicator, connection, intentional improvement, jane hanson, rob jeppsen, sales, sales leadership
Jane Hanson is a 9-Time Emmy-Award winning television journalist. As an anchor at NBC Jane reported on every major event from the tragedy of 9/11 to celebrations in the streets of New York when the Yankees celebrated World Series victories, to every twist and turn on Wall Street. Along the way, Jane became expert in the art and science of communication and connection. Today, Jane is an executive communications coach and helps leaders develop elite communication skills in order to fuel the growth of the organizations they lead. Today, Jane joins us to share insights about developing what is arguably the most important skill every leader must have: Becoming an elite communicator.
Episode 250: Keith Weightman, RVP of Sales at Bullhorn: My ___ Don’t Like Surprises.
October 17th, 2023 | 55 mins 16 secs
bullhorn, keith weightman, rob jeppsen, sales, sales leadership, success, surprises
Keith Weightman is the RVP of Sales for Bullhorn. Keith has been part of an incredible success story. And while his leadership success in both sales and people development has been “next level,” it is worth noting that he’s grown with Bullhorn for 11 years at a time when the average tenure of a sales leader is around 18 months. Today Keith joins the show and shares how reducing surprises fuels the success of a sales leader in every part of their job. Keith is a “Must Follow” sales leader and this is an episode that will help you win immediately, grow predictably, and create impact no matter the market conditions.
Episode 249: Christina Smears, Sales Leader: OWN IT!
October 11th, 2023 | 57 mins 48 secs
christina smears, ownership, priorities, rob jeppsen, sales, sales leadership
Christina Smears is a highly decorated sales leader who has seen and done it all in the sales leadership world. She went through every condition imaginable at one of the great sales success stories of all time…Salesforce. She’s led Business Development, Sales Development, and Sales at the Director and Vice President levels with massive success. After creating life-changing success for hundreds of salespeople she has taken a break to evaluate how she owns her own development, career, and why every sales leader needs to give themselves permission to prioritize themselves in this insightful conversation with one of the best in the business.
Episode 248: Ryan Staley, Founder and CEO of WhaleBoss: How to 3x Your Top Performers With AI.
October 4th, 2023 | 51 mins 36 secs
ai, growth, intentional improvement, rob jeppsen, ryan staley, sales
Ryan Staley is the founder and CEO of WhaleBoss. Ryan helps companies accelerate growth by doing things differently. Ryan has emerged as one of the top voices in how AI can help sales teams grow faster. Ryan helps sales organizations implement and benefit AI in ways that make sense. This is an important episode with an important topic that will help you now and in the coming sales year that you just don’t want to miss.
Episode 247: Rob Jeppsen of Sales Leadership United: Choose to THRIVE…Not just SURVIVE
September 29th, 2023 | 39 mins 59 secs
leadership, rob jeppsen, sales, survive, thrive
In this episode Rob Jeppsen shares his recent battle with Colon Cancer and 5 lessons he learned when being told he only had 18 months to live…and how those lessons have everything to do with leadership. This may be the most important episode we’ve recorded in the 5 year history of the show. Please check this one out and take Rob’s challenge to share this one with at least one of your colleagues.
Episode 246: Dan Goodman, Founder and CEO of TruCommish: Trust but Verify
September 20th, 2023 | 49 mins 25 secs
commissions, compensation, dan goodman, rob jeppsen, sales, sales leadership
Dan Goodman is the King of Comp in the Sales World. Dan’s been in the sales world for over 25 years…as a salesperson, a channel developer, a negotiator, and a sales leader. Along the way he noticed recurring challenges salespeople and sales leaders faced around what might be the most sensitive topic in our world…compensation and commissions. Today, Dan helps salespeople and sales leaders ask for and get what they deserve. He helps them when they need help the very most. This is an important episode about how to protect yourself, your team, and to get compensation right.
Episode 245: Dave Elsner, Sales Coach: Sales is NOT a Numbers Game. Become “Findable” by your Prospects.
September 13th, 2023 | 55 mins 12 secs
compete, dave elsner, rob jeppsen, sales, sales leadership
Dave Elsner helps tech sales teams at every level create the best year in company history…year after year after year. Dave and his team help companies stay modern in how they sell and ensure how they sell is always more important than what they sell. Dave joins us today and shares ways to stand out in what may be the most competitive and noisy marketplaces we will ever face.
Episode 244: Brian Will, Executive Business Coach: We Can Help Anyone Improve
September 6th, 2023 | 57 mins 47 secs
brian will, growth, intentional improvement, predictability, rob jeppsen, sales, sales leadership, win rate
Brian Will is a 2 time bestselling author, a regular Forbes contributor and works with companies from startups to members of the Fortune 500 to create predictable improvement in sales. Brian shares his experience working with companies of all sizes and why the commitment to improvement is so important for every single sales leader. In this episode Brian shares insights on how you can help anyone who wants to find the success and the life they want.
Episode 243: Lee Benson, Founder and CEO of Execute to Win: Be Intentional About How You Create Value
August 23rd, 2023 | 1 hr 2 mins
growth, intentional improvement, lee benson, rob jeppsen, sales, sales leadership, value
Lee Benson is the founder and CEO of Execute to Win. Lee and his team have helped hundreds of sales teams and thousands of leaders worldwide improve what’s most important. Lee has built and sold 7 companies but today he helps organizations create predictability in what makes organizations grow and thrive. He joins us today and shares a framework of how leaders can be more intentional about how they create value in ways that drive elite growth. Check out this episode where Lee shares a framework that will help any leader in any industry fuel growth they’ve never experienced.